POZOR! Ryanair ruší na najbližšie týždne veľké množstvo letov(40-50 denne!)

lietadlo Ryanair

Ak ste mali v najbližších týždňoch letieť so spoločnosťou Ryanair, mali by ste si dať pozor, či práve váš let nebol spoločnosťou Ryanair zrušený. 

Írska spoločnosť začala rušiť lety až do konca októbra naprieč celou Európou.

Dôvodom takéhoto masívneho rušenie, kedy Ryanair zruší asi 2% svojich letov je znížená dochvíľnosť jej letov. Tá už za posledné obdobie klesla pod 80%, čo je pre spoločnosť neprijateľné a rozhodla sa konať.

Spoločnosť uvádza, že podobné čísla spôsobili štrajky, zlé počasie ale aj čerpanie dovoleniek pilotov a palubného personálu.

Týmto krokom, kedy sa v spoločnosti vytvoria kapacity na pokrytie nepredvídateľných udalostí, chcú opäť docieliť to, aby lietadlá spoločnosti meškali len minimálne.

Ak aj vám zrušil Ryanair let, spoločnosť by vás mala kontaktovať a ponúknuť buď prebookovanie letu alebo vrátenie peňazí.

[vc_btn title=“Prejsť na stránky Ryanair“ color=“warning“ size=“lg“ align=“center“ link=“url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ryanair.com%2Fie%2Fen%2F||target:%20_blank|“]

Ryanair, today (15th Sept) announced that it would cancel 40-50 flights daily for the next six weeks (to the end of October) to improve its system-wide punctuality which has fallen below 80% in the first two weeks of September through a combination of ATC capacity delays and strikes, weather disruptions and the impact of increased holiday allocations to pilots and cabin crew as the airline moves to allocate annual leave during a 9 month transition period (April to December 2017) to move the airline’s holiday year (currently April to March) to a calendar year (Jan to Dec) from 1st January 2018 onwards.

Ryanair has operated at record schedule and traffic levels during the peak summer months of July (12.6m guests) and August (12.7m guests) but has a backlog of crew leave which must be allocated before 31st Dec 2017 in order to switch to a calendar leave year (as required by the IAA) from 1st Jan 2018 onwards.

These tighter crewing numbers and the impact of ATC capacity restrictions in the UK, Germany and Spain, as well as French ATC strikes and adverse weather (thunderstorms) have given rise to significant delays in recent weeks.  Ryanair’s on-time performance has declined from 90% to under 80% over the past two weeks, a figure that is unacceptable to Ryanair and its customers.

By reducing its scheduled flying programme over the next six weeks by less than 2% (of its over 2,500 daily flights), the airline will create additional standby aircraft which will help restore on-time performance to its 90% average.  Ryanair apologises sincerely for the inconvenience caused to customers by these cancellations.  Customers will be contacted directly about this small number of cancellations and offered alternative flights or full refunds.“

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